How Fast Are You Willing to Recover from a Setback or Do You Just Sit Back? Resiliency is the ability to recover quickly from setbacks. In other words, in life you have to be like elasticity, which is the knack of matter to spring back quickly into shape after being bent, stretched, or deformed. What… Read More »
The Benefits of Zest
What do you think makes the difference in the quality of people’s lives? This question is not one people would look forward to answering if their life is filled with despondency and regret; however, on the other hand, if a person was accustomed to applying the one component which is the difference between overcoming obstacles… Read More »
Be Careful What You Ask For…!
Imagine being blind from birth—never been able to see, and you’re trying to describe a person’s features. Or, perhaps you’re deaf from birth and you’ve never been able to use your imagination to try to imagine what sounds are like. When sight is given or sounds are realized, how do you think you would then… Read More »
Think and Speak Out Loud
I believe the right talk is the key to produce the right results. But, I also believe the wrong talk is one of the main components that will produce the wrong results in your life. Based on the Good Book, you shall have whatever you say. One of the greatest formulas you can discover in… Read More »
The Challenge In Making Your New Year Your Best Year Yet
I was once asked by a married couple how they can make their New Year the best New Year ever. I asked, “Would it be insensitive for me to suggest that you learn how to exit the old year in the manner you intend for your New Year, without it sounding too vague? They both… Read More »
Look For Your Motivation In The Most Unlikely Place
How often do you find that you see people, and even a friend who seems to be up when things are well and down when things aren’t going well, or you know — awful? To be kind, let’s just say they are often downhearted, and in need of some motivation from without. To succeed in… Read More »
Overtime, The Not So Perfect Solution.
Are you late paying your mortgage or rent? Do you struggle with not having enough money to fill your car with gas to get to work? If all available funds and sources of credit are tapped out, what would be your first inclination to obtain more funds? For heaven’s sake, please do not consider borrowing… Read More »
Always Forward
Have you ever been at a point in life when you wanted to give up, throw in the towel, and quit for the rest of your life? Remember as children, when we played baseball and we failed to catch the ball or, being embarrassed at school for liking someone who didn’t like you? How about… Read More »
Psychoanalyze Yourself
I don’t profess to know everything, but I will acknowledge the things I care to know are the things that are important to me, and they are things that can help me succeed in the area of life which I now so passionately pursue.
Encouragement: The Essence of Cool
To be encouraged is one thing, but to maintain encouragement is a whole different ball game. It is important to realize that whatever got you where you are usually isn’t enough to get you where you’re going. This is a very important lesson to learn because oftentimes people have the propensity to think that doing… Read More »