The power to believe is the most explosive energy that can be released in the heart of a person. Neutrality is the position of belief; its force will move in the direction that a person aims. The effects of belief are just as powerful when moving toward negativity as it is when it’s targeted toward positive things. Nonetheless, believing is everything when it comes to success. What you choose to believe makes all the difference between failure and success. Henry Ford was the man who said, “The man who believes that he can and the man that believes he cannot are both right.” Your life story is not written with a pen, but with your actions. To do nothing is the way to be nothing. I have learned to never place a question mark where God places a period. Believing something does not make it so. You can believe that there is a Santa Claus, but that does not make it so. Believing is the first step toward accomplishment. However, accomplishment comes when you have faith for what you believe. Jesus said, “Believe in God, believe also in Me…” The initial aim of your believing should be to believe that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit do exist. Then, you must believe in His word, His prophets, and last, yourself. Believing in this order solidifies why you should believe in yourself. As you believe in this order, your heart will burst into a thousand suns of energy to accomplish anything you set your faith to believe. Only then are all things possible to him that believes. Dare to believe; and faith will find a way for it to happen.
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