Unscrambled Eggs is the title of my new blog that takes a real life, down to earth and common sense approach to unscrambling the simple subjects and contemplations of current events that others attempt to make complex. I promise to cover subjects from success to failure, marriage and divorce, being on top of the world to feeling like you’re going through the valley, the famous and the infamous, hot topics, cold topics, and all the subjects that are in between
While the United States of America is inundated with listening to right wingers and left wingers, rich, poor and in-betweeners, Christians and Not-So-Christian, Moralists and the Moral-less, achievers, under achievers, the hopeful and the hopeless; and let’s not forget the doubters and the believers—everyone appears to be trying to make everyone think like them. My aim is not to control how you think or to make you think like me; I’m just informing you, the masses, of how I think. Understanding that, remove your labels and assumptions about me so you can read my blogs with an open mind and heart. Just maybe, we can make some progress toward being more focused on becoming a much more informed person whose life is not merely centered around oneself, but around helping one another.
The world is changing, but contrary to popular belief—people are still the same. The one constant thing that we can depend on in this world is that people will generally be the same as from the beginning of time. Just as the Bible declares, “There is nothing new under the sun.” So, try to understand and remember, I’m not telling you how you should think: I am simply enlightening you on how I think. Although, I might sound bias to some, trust me, I’m not taking sides—I’m just attempting to unscramble eggs.
Dive into the conversation and send me, in 70 characters or less, what you would like for me to speak on or questions you might have concerning current events or life and business issues. I will select and answer the most pressing question.
So Get Connected and Stay Connected for the latest blogs and updates from Dr. Brown and receive my FREE eBook, You Can Think Your Way to Success. It’s my gift to you. Keep It, Use It, and Enjoy It!
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