You cannot change other people, but you can change yourself. It is very easy to focus on the faults of others; but it is rather uncomfortable to confront your own. People are generally running from themselves, living in constant fear, and are apathetic about confronting the challenges that oppose their dreams. Most people would like to have a substantial pay raise, live in their dream home, or own their own business. In fact, this sounds more like the American dream. If this is a selfish, egotistical approach to living, then we are all going to hell. However, to the contrary, this is no more than a person who wants a better life for him or herself and their loved ones. To live a life that is pleasing to God and to yourself, you have to commit to change. If you do not like the kind of results you have been getting in your life lately, this is an indication that what you are doing isn’t working. Why continue to do what doesn’t produce results? You can have a better life, live in your dream home, and even drive the kind of car you really like. Life guarantees us nothing, but if you can change the way you think, act, and believe, you can extract whatever you desire out of this world. Jesus came to earth, died that we may have life, and have it more abundantly. It doesn’t hurt to change; but change can be a tedious process. Work through it, and it will work for you.
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